We provides social support to the diverse communities through collaboration and networking for all ages and genders in need. 

Disha New Zealand (NZ) is a Charitable organization that is dedicated to enhancing the lives of those in need through various activities and programs. Our mission is to work towards the holistic well-being of diverse communities by providing an environment that enhances their mental and physical health. 

What we do?

Weekly Day programs at Balmoral, New Lynn and North Shore centres provide a platform for


Socialisation which helps negate loneliness and isolation

Wellbeing Programs

Participation in Social, cultural, physical and emotional wellbeing programs

Physical Exercise

Strength and balance exercises by professionals

Information sessions

On health and welfare system in NZ
On Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention

Social support services

  • Advocacy services
  • Education and Training
  • Information and support
  • Liaising with the government and non-government agencies 
  • Referral for Total Mobility card, parking card and medic alarm
  • Referral for Needs Assessment to support with home help and personal care
  • Flu and Covid Vaccination clinics 

Migrant Women Wellbeing Program: 

How you can help?

There are many ways you can support Disha NZ  and our mission. Some of the ways you can help include

  • Donating money to support our programs and initiatives
  • Volunteering your time and skills to support our efforts
  • Spreading the word about our organization and cause to your friends, family, and community
  • Participating in fundraising events and campaigns

No matter how you choose to support us, your contribution will make a meaningful impact in the lives of people in need.

Why we do it?

We believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. Unfortunately, many individuals and communities are faced with challenges that prevent them from doing so. Disha NZ  was founded with the goal of helping to remove these barriers and empower people to lead fulfilling and productive lives.



Jyoti is a dedicated registered social worker specializing in elder abuse at Age Concern Auckland. With a passion for bringing positive changes and happiness to the lives of older adults, she has made


Priya Ramrakhiani is one of the founder member and trustee of Disha NZ. Priya is born in Tamilnadu, India, raised in New Delhi and migrated to New Zealand in 2002. She is married and a proud mother to a beautiful girl.


Abhi serves as a Trustees and a Board Member of the Trust. She is a Chartered Accountant by profession having her own Boutique CA practice. The philosophy Abhi has adopted for her business is the same she


Neelu Ghai is a trustee and active volunteer with DISHA NZ, leveraging extensive experience and a deep commitment to community service. Before moving to New Zealand Neelu had a distinguished 28-year career


I am a global citizen with a passion for making a difference. Born and raised in the vibrant city of Delhi, India, I embarked on a new journey to New Zealand 20 years ago, seeking new horizons and opportunities.